Program 2019

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Zur Beherrschung von Scaling und Korrosion in geothermischen Anlagen werden zunehmend Inhibitoren als Lösungsansatz präferiert. Hierbei ergeben sich jedoch Fragestellungen, welcher Inhibitor geeignet ist oder welche Dosierung ausreichend. Aber auch die Frage nach geeigneten Analysemethoden zur Untersuchung der Wirkung und Wechselwirkung mit Anlagenteilen, Thermalwasser und Gestein wird in diesem Kontext relevant. Der Workshop soll aktuelle Arbeiten und Lösungsansätze vorstellen und diskutieren.

Wirtschaftlichkeit von kombinierten Methoden zur Ablagerungs- und Korrosionsvermeidung an Geothermieanlagen

Dr. Julia Scheiber
Bestec GmbH
>Andrea Seibt, Sabine Jähnichen, Jörg Baumgärtner, Thomas Hettkamp

Einsatz umweltfreundlicher Inhibitoren im Bayerischen Molassebecken – Erfahrungen aus dem hydrochemischen und mineralogischem Monitoring

Dr. Florian Eichinger
Hydroisotop GmbH
>Andrea Seibt (BWG), Christian Buse (GTN), Joy Iannotta (Hydroisotop)

Evaluierung von Ausfällungsinhibitoren in der Molasse - Das Projekt EvA-M

Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Kuhn
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie

Auswahl von Scale-Inhibitoren und notwendige Untersuchungen vor dem Einsatz im geothermischen Kraftwerk

Dr. Andrea Seibt
BWG Geochemie
>Sabine Jähnichen, Julia Scheiber, C. Buse

Wechselwirkungen zwischen Inhibitor und Biozönose - Laborversuche vs. In-Situ Monitoring

Prof. Dr. Hilke Würdemann
GFZ Helmholtz Zentrum Potsdam
> B. Schulz

Modeling geochemical reactions in geothermal plants in the Bavarian Molasse basin

Alireza Arab
TU Bergakademie Freiberg

Die Förderpumpen geothermischer Anlagen sind das Herzstück für die Energiegewinnung. Sie bringen das Tiefengrundwasser zur Entwärmung an die Oberfläche. Jedoch treten vor allem bei Hochtemperatur-Anlagen (> 100 °C) immer wieder Störungen und Probleme auf. Der Workshop "Einsatz geothermischer Förderpumpen", der in den vergangenen Jahren immer wieder Bestandteil des Praxisforums Geothermie.Bayern war, begleitet die Entwicklung der Fördersysteme schon viele Jahre. Auch in diesem Jahr wird er die aktuellsten Entwicklungen vorstellen.

Alternatives Vertragsmodell im Zuge der Beschaffung einer Förderpumpe

Oliver Friedlaender
Silenos Energy GmbH

ESP-Monitoring bei den Stadtwerken München

Philipp Schlegel
Stadtwerke München GmbH

Auswertung von Langzeitbetriebsdaten verschiedener Tauchkreiselpumpen und Auswirkungen von Säuerungen

Matthäus Irl
Technische Universität München Lehrstuhl für Energiesysteme

Die Teilentladungsmessung als Möglichkeit zur ESP Diagnose

Thomas Mestel
Stadtwerke München GmbH

Erfahrungen mit Gestängepumpen im industriellen Einsatz in aggressiven, gashaltigen Thermalwässern im Oberrheingraben

Thomas Hettkamp
Bestec GmbH

Kostenreduktion des Tauchpumpenbetriebes durch anwendungsspezifische Entwicklung

Matthias Möller

Tailoring the best ESP application practices for effective geothermal water production

Danut Tudora
Borets International Ltd.

Summit GeoESP™ – Next Generation of Lifting Pumps for Geothermal Applications

Hans Sjerps

Evaluation of ESP-Design for 140°C and 150 l/sec

Adam Waniek
Oil Dynamics
>Andy Limanowka

To control scaling and corrosion in geothermal plants, inhibitors are increasingly preferred as a solution. However, this raises questions which inhibitor is suitable or which dosage is sufficient. But also the question of suitable analysis methods for the investigation of the effect and interaction with parts of the plant, thermal water and rocks becomes relevant in this context. The workshop will present and discuss current work and solutions.

Efficiency of combined methods to prevent deposition and corrosion in geothermal plants

Dr. Julia Scheiber
Bestec GmbH

Application of environmentally friendly inhibitors in the Bavarian Molasse Basin - Experience from hydrochemical and mineralogical monitoring

Dr. Florian Eichinger
Hydroisotop GmbH
>Andrea Seibt (BWG), Christian Buse (GTN), Joy Iannotta (Hydroisotop)

Evaluation of precipitation inhibitors in the Molasse Basin - the EvA-M project

Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Kuhn
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie

Selection of scale inhibitors and necessary investigations before its application in geothermal power plants

Dr. Andrea Seibt
BWG Geochemie

Interactions between inhibitor and biocoenosis - laboratory experiments vs. in-situ monitoring

Prof. Dr. Hilke Würdemann
GFZ Helmholtz Zentrum Potsdam

Modeling geochemical reactions in geothermal plants in the Bavarian Molasse basin

Alireza Arab
TU Bergakademie Freiberg

Feed pumps of geothermal plants are the heart of energy production. They bring the deep groundwater to the surface for cooling. However, especially in high-temperature systems (> 100 ° C) repeatedly trouble and problems occur. The workshop "Use of geothermal feed pumps" has been part of the Praxisforum Geothermie.Bayern in recent years. This year it will present the latest developments.

Alternative contract model in course of the procurement of a feed pump

Oliver Friedlaender
Silenos Energy GmbH

ESP-Monitoring at Stadtwerke München

Philipp Schlegel
Stadtwerke München GmbH

Evaluation of long-term operating data of various centrifugal pumps and effects of acidification

Matthäus Irl
Technische Universität München Lehrstuhl für Energiesysteme

Partial discharge measurement as a possibility for ESP diagnosis

Thomas Mestel
Stadtwerke München GmbH

Experiences with linkage pumps for industrial use in aggressive, gaseous thermal waters in the Upper Rhine Graben

Thomas Hettkamp
Bestec GmbH

Cost reduction of submersible pump operation through application-specific development

Matthias Möller

Tailoring the best ESP application practices for effective geothermal water production

Danut Tudora
Borets International Ltd.

Summit GeoESP™ – Next Generation of Lifting Pumps for Geothermal Applications

Hans Sjerps

Evaluation of ESP-Design for 140°C and 150 l/sec

Adam Waniek
Oil Dynamics
>Andy Limanowka

Geothermal project development has several risky components, the most important one being the resource risk. This concerns mainly deep geothermal projects, but some shallow geothermal open systems could also be included in this category of projects. Beyond exploration, the bankability of a geothermal project is threatened by this geological risk.GEORISK project works to establish risk insurance all over Europe and in some key target third countries to cover the exploration phase and the first drilling (test). It means activities to be funded before financial institutions and IPP funding the confirmation drilling and surface systems. It appears clear that a risk mitigation scheme must be designed according to the market maturity of the sector.This workshop aims at identifying the conditions for a transition in the insurance schemes, according to market maturity for geothermal projects. This will notably include a presentation of the first results of the GEORISK project. The workshop aims to create a discussion between the project partners, the members of the Advisory committee and the other participants to the workshop.


Philippe Dumas
EGEC European Geothermal Energy Council

Presentation of the GEORISK Project

Philippe Dumas
EGEC European Geothermal Energy Council

Presentation of the GEORISK Risk Register, risk assessment tool

Ferid Seyidov
gec-co Global Engineering & Consulting

Presentation typology of existing and innovative financial tools

Christian Boissavy

Feedback from advisory committee member

Matthias Tönnis
Munich RE

Establishing a geothermal risk mitigation scheme

Nicole Lupi

Conditions for schemes according to market maturity

Ferid Seyidov
gec-co Global Engineering & Consulting

Feedback from advisory committee member

Dr. Christian Müller-Wagner
BVG Bundesverband Geothermie

Presentation Sustainable Finance Regulation proposal, how it affects the Geothermal sector and EGEC position

Dr. Christian Müller-Wagner
BVG Bundesverband Geothermie

Climate change is proceeding, but countermeasures are being introduced only hesitantly. Deep geothermal energy can play an important role in the urgently needed acceleration of the energy transition. Geothermal is a technology that can generate both electricity and heat. With coupled use, it reveals a negative CO2 balance. The keynote addresses the need for action and opportunities.


Dr. Jochen Schneider

CO2 Pricing: Certificates versus CO2-Tax

Prof. Dr. Manuel Frondel
RWI Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung

The heat target - the importance of deep geothermal energy for the future heat turn

Benjamin Richter
Rödl & Partner GbR

The geothermal system of the Bavarian Molasse Basin - what research can do for practice

Dr. Michael Drews
Technische Universität München (TUM)

The degression listed in the EEG threatens to slow down the further development of geothermal energy production. From 2021, five percent of the degression on EEG remuneration is planned. Here, changes and adjustments are needed to avoid the loss of geothermal energy. For since the introduction of the EEG, the use of geothermal heat has multiplied, that is, the EEG indirectly promotes geothermal heat use. And with the EEG remuneration of electricity, the heat production costs from the same plant are also unrivaled.The forum discusses with experts the development of the EEG and what the future of geothermal energy production can look like.


Helmut Mangold
IEP - Innovative Energie für Pullach GmbH

Quo vadis geothermal energy?

Dr. Jochen Schneider

The latest climate legislation of the German federal government and the role of geothermal energy

Matthias Albrecht
bbh Becker Büttner Held

Geothermal energy in the political field of heat change

Ralf Hengherr
B.E.B. Büro für Entscheidungsvorbereitung und Bauforschung

Green district heating networks - the way to the heat turn! A technical-economic consideration for implementation in large, medium and small towns

Harald Rapp
AGFW | Der Energieeffizienzverband für Wärme, Kälte und KWK e. V.
> Dr. Herbert Koschel, SWM

Connecting district heating networks, means to move geothermal energy from the niche into the area

Andreas Lederle
Erdwärme Grünwald GmbH

Feedback & Panel Discussion

Prof. Dr. Manuel Frondel
RWI Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung

An vielen geothermischen Anlagen ist eine geringe seismische Aktivität unterhalb der Spürbarkeitsschwelle festzustellen. In Bayern wird dies wird von den Betreibern von Geothermie-Anlagen und dem Bayerischen Erdbebendienst kontrolliert. Aber auch andere Bundesländer verfügen über Messnetzwerke zur Überwachung von seismischen Aktivitäten. Verschiedene Maßnahmen sind vorgesehen, damit es zu keinen größeren seismischen Ereignissen kommt. Im Rahmen des Forums werden diese vorgestellt.


Dr. Kai Zosseder
Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Hydrogeologie

The research project SEIGER - Seismic monitoring of deep geothermal plants and possible seismic impacts

Tobias Neuffer
DMT GmbH & Co. KG

The EinwirkungsBergV Guide - Implications for geothermal operators

Dr. Stefan Baisch
q-con GmbH

The seismic monitoring network of the BVEG: transparency promotes acceptance

Dr. Simon Kremers
DMT GmbH & Co. KG

Seismic measuring network for the geothermal plants in the Munich area

Franz Barenth
Stadtwerke München GmbH

Seismic measuring network in Switzerland

Dr. Toni Kraft
ETH Zürich - Swiss Seismological Service (SED)

After reservoir development, the test works confirm the success or failure of a project. In case of success, however, the question remains as to how reproducible the results are in the ongoing operation of the plant. This will be discussed on the basis of various talks from the practical experience of numerous projects.


Michael Heidinger, Dipl.-Geol.
Hydroisotop GmbH

Information delivered by hydraulic tests

Dr. Torsten Tischner
Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR)

Modeling of hydraulic data in Traunreut

Dr. René Kahnt
G.E.O.S. Ingenieur-Gesellschaft mbH

Results of pumping tests in Dürrnhaar compared to plant operation

Dr. Jörn Bartels

Successful test and stimulation work in geothermal wells of the Ostmolasse on the example of Garching (Alz)

Lars Matthes
RAG Energy Drilling GmbH

Plant operation prognosis with examples from geothermal projects in the north of Munich

Alexandros Savvatis
Erdwerk GmbH

Following the successful launch last year, the geothermal energy award of Bavaria for the most successful working CHP and heat project will be handed to the winner in 2019. In addition, the Christian-Hecht-Award will be given for the best junior scientific work.


Dr. Sabine Volland

Geothermal energy - an important climate-friendly energy supply

Staatsminister Hubert Aiwanger
Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Landesentwicklung und Energie

Results Operator's survey

Dr. Jochen Schneider


Official Presentation of the Award

Staatsminister Hubert Aiwanger
Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Landesentwicklung und Energie


Dr. Christian Pletl
Stadtwerke München GmbH

In addition to the metropolitan area of Munich, a second geothermal hot spot in Bavaria has developed east of the Inn Valley. After the first projects in Waldkraiburg, Kirchweidach and Traunreut, Garching (Alz) leads the second development phase. The forum gives an overview of the current projects and developments.


Achim Fischer-Erdsiek
Nordwest Assekuranzmakler GmbH & Co. KG

Lessons learnt from Traunreut

Andreas Utz
Geothermische Kraftwerksgesellschaft Traunreut

Garching (Bruck) - Update and Outlook

Oliver Friedlaender
Silenos Energy GmbH

Project development of a new deep geothermal power project under municipal direction

Anna-Carina Franke
Rödl & Partner
>Marcus Hansen, Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Kirchweidach

Trostberg and Palling: Scope and timetable for geothermal energy production

Gregor Gruber
IKAV/ecoprime Group

Project development of "GT Törring" based on long-years experience

Bernhard Gubo
Geoenergie Bayern Beteiligungen GmbH

The Geothermal Alliance Bayern has been part of the Praxisforum Geothermie.Bayern with its own forum for many years. This year, the Geothermal Alliance Bavaria focuses on the heat transition and the role of geothermal energy. In addition, international project will be presented.


Dr. Maximilian Keim

District heating supply using low-temperature heat from deep geothermal energy

Dr. Horst Kreuter
GeoThermal Engineering

Geothermal Potential for the heat suppy in the Netherlands

Dr. Maren Brehme
TU Delft

Transformation of the heating networks in the Rhine-Ruhr region with deep geothermal energy

Kirsten Appelhans
GZB - International Geothermal Centre

The geothermal potential and demand in the Munich area

Dr. Markus Loewer
Munich School of Engineering, Technische Universität München


Dr. Jochen Schneider

The geothermal investigation in Franconia

Dr. Wolfgang Bauer
360plus Consult GmbH

Turning geothermal energy development in Germany into a scalable, repeatable manufacturing process

Robert Winsloe
Eavor Technologies Inc.

Sustainable reservoir management through innovative exploration and development strategies

Sebastian Dirner

Leveraging decades of commercial experience and innovative thinking - Introduction of the Holzkirchen Geothermal Plant and Turboden Large heat pumps

Andrea Duvia
Turboden S.p.A.

Flexible and cost-effective power generation with innovative ORC modules

Wolfgang Brand

The Praxisforum Geothermie.Bayern has dedicated this year's focus to the future-proof geothermal heat supply. This will also be reflected in the GeoTHOUR sponsored by Turboden. In the morning we visit the geothermal plant in Holzkirchen. Representatives of Turboden will explain in detail the power and heat generation of the system on site (Language: German/English). In the afternoon we visit the geothermal heat plant in Poing. You will receive information about the characteristics of the plant, its operation and the development of the geothermal resource. The price of the Turboden-GeoTHOUR includes the catering and the bus journey from Munich main station and retour.

GeoTHOUR zur Geothermieanlage Holzkirchen

Andrea Duvia
Turboden S.p.A.
>Joseph Bonafin, Turboden

GeoTHOUR zur Geothermieanlage Poing

Michael Schumann
Bayernwerk Natur GmbH

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D-80638 München