Unterschleißheim will be the second field trip destination
The second field trip is guided to geothermal heating plants. It offers to visit the wells and the heating exchange units of the district heating plants in Munich-Freiham and Unterschleißheim. The first plant is the most recent drilled project of the Stadtwerke München, distributing heat to a new district in the West of Munich. After the stop at the SWM station the field trip continues to the geothermal heating plant in Unterschleißheim of the GTU AG. Whereas Freiham is the youngest heating plant in the Bavarian Molasse Basin, the Unterschleißheim plant is one of the oldest which is in operation since 2005. Meanwhile the GTU AG managed to be in the black. In Unterschleißheim you also get the possibility to taste the thermal water from the Upper Jurassic reservoir in the nearby bath which has drinking water quality.
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