Praxisforum Geothermie.Bayern 2017

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The Praxisforum Geothermie.Bayern

In the South of Bavaria exists worldwide unique conditions for geothermal low-enthalpy energy production. More than 25 projects are already operating, further are under construction and in planning. The Praxisforum Geothermie.Bayern from October 16 to 17, 2018 offers the possibility to profit from the experiences and the know-how of the local actors and build up useful contacts. In the heart of Bavaria - in the center of Germany's energy production.

Continously growing interest

Since the first event in 2013 the interest in the Praxisforum Geothermie.Bayern grows steadily. Meanwhile the participants doubled and since in 2016 a simultaneous translation was adopted, the Praxisforum became an intertational event. One of the benefits of the event is the independent program management with several invited presentations in step with actual practice related to certain topics. In addition to the presentations there is also plenty of room for discussions about topical foci and intensive networking. The Praxisforum-Lounge after the congress, where all participants, speakers and sponsors are invited, perfects the two days event.


Here you can register online.

Download of presentations

Here find the access to the presentations of the Praxisforum 2016.

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Increase your visibility in Middle Europe's most attracting geothermal market. Contact us!

GeoTHOUR Sponsor

Turboden S.p.A.

Turboden is an Italian firm and a global leader in the design, manufacture, and maintenance of Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) systems, highly suitable for distributed generation. ORC systems can generate electric and thermal power exploiting multiple sources, such as renewables (biomass, geothermal energy, solar energy), traditional fuels, and waste heat from industrial processes, waste incinerators, engines or gas turbines.



In the afternoon of September 11, 2017 two field trips are offered.Content

E1: Field trip to geothermal power plants

- Field Trip

The field trip will visit the Turboden power plant in Traunreut. During arrival the engineers of Turboden will be available to answer all questions regarding the power plant and the installed ORC cylce. In Traunreut you will visit the power plant as well as the district heating part of the plant. Catering will be provided.

E2: Field trip to geothermal district heating plants

The second trip offers to visit the wells and the heating exchange units of thedistrict heating plant in Munich-Freiham and Unterschleißheim. This first is the most recent drilled project of the Stadtwerke München, distributing heat to a new district in the West of Munich. After the stop at the SWM station the field trip continues to the geothermal heating plant in Unterschleißheim of the GTU AG. Whereas Freiham is the youngest heating plant in the Bavarian Molasse Basin, the Unterschleißheim plant is one of the oldest, which is in operation since 2005. Meanwhile the GTU AG managed to be in the black. Here you also get the possibility to taste the thermal water from the Upper Jurassic reservoir in the nearby bath.

Point of departure is the same for either field trip (E1-power/E2-heat).

1 pm/13.00 h
Departure at the northern exit of Munich main station, exit Arnulfstrasse, Munich
7 pm/19.00 Uhr
Arrival at the northern exit of Munich main station, exit Arnulfstrasse, Munich

Please note: The actual arrival time may differ from the time schedule. Please consider any deviation for your further planning. 

Participants are asked themselves to take care of solid shoes and suitable cloths for the weather.

After the welcome speech by the organiser there will be three keynotes in the plenum. This first session of the event will be closed by the "Speed Dating" where exhibitors and sponsors can introduce themselves shortly.

Recent development in geothermal legal framework (borehole integrity, Act on Sphere of Influence, Repository Site Selection Act)

Rainer Zimmer
Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Energie und Technologie

Economic feasibility of geothermal district heating and demands to industry and politics - experiences and pitfalls

Helmut Mangold
IEP - Innovative Energie für Pullach GmbH

Security of investments in the conflict of mining and water law

Benjamin Richter
Rödl & Partner GbR

with simultaneous translation German/English

(parallel to Forum II and III)

Geothermal power generation and power to grid are of particular relevance for all operators of geothermal power plants. The focus of this forum will be on grid feed-in and its technical aspects.


Flexible power plants - simultaneous heat and power supply

Sebastian Eyerer, M. Sc.
Technische Universität München - Lehrstuhl für Energiesysteme

Two-stage radial flow turbine and Green Eco Plant

Marco Frassinetti
Exergy S.p.A.

Connection of geothermal power plants to the power grid from the suppliers' perspective

Dr. Markus Wiendieck
Erdwärme Bayern GmbH & Co. KG

Certification procedures of power plants - special case of geothermal plants

Dieter Rosenwirth

Feed-in of geothermal energy to the power grid

Carsten Bock
Bayernwerk AG

Operational experience with geothermal plants in Germany: Solutions for parallel mains operation after BDWE and isolated operation

Andrea Duvia
Turboden S.p.A.

The afternoon program starts with technical keynotes regarding quality criteria of geothermal projects.

Mitigation of geothermal exploration risks - lessons learned

Jörg Uhde
geopfalz GmbH & Co. KG

Definition of a successful project

Prof. Dr. Herbert Hofstätter
Montanuniversität Leoben - Lehrstuhl für Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Recovery

Experience from several decades of hydrocarbon exploration, drilling and project management

Lars Matthes
RAG Energy Drilling GmbH

with simultaneous translation German/English

(parallel to Forum V and Round Table)

The thermal water loop is the heart of a geothermal plant. Open beneath and closed above ground it is influenced by many physical variables that cause an impact on the operation and management. Forum IV discusses the major issues on scaling, inhibitors, flow dynamics, turbulence and other influences.


Dr. Jochen Schneider

Causes of scalings in the thermal water loop

PD Dr. Thomas Baumann
Technische Universität München - Institute of Hydrochemistry

Strategies for preventing mineral scalings in deep geothermal energy

Dr. Florian Eichinger
Hydroisotop GmbH

Positive operation experiences in the geothermal power plant of Sauerlach due to improvement of the thermal water loop

Franz Barenth
Stadtwerke München GmbH

Preparation for an inhibitor operation within a geothermal power plant

Dirk Rosemeier
Geothermie Unterhaching GmbH & Co. KG

Operation experience with scalings in the geothermal water loop

Thomas Jahrfeld
renerco plan consult GmbH

Language: English

(parallel to Forum IV and V)

Due to the positive feedback of last year, the Round Table „Invest Geothermal“ it will be continued in this year. The high class location of the Executive Lounge of the Haus der Bayerischen Wirtschaft facilitates the dialogue between developers, investors and bankers about early stage and project financing of geothermal energy.

The participants of the congress are invited to join the Praxisforum Lounge in a nearby bar after the congress. An ambient atmophere together with a glass of beer or wine and fingerfood facilitates informal discussions, to continue the networking and chill out the day.

Silver Sponsors

enpros consulting

enpros is a manufacturer and distributor independant planning and consulting company with more than ten years of experiences in the new development and reconstruction of conventional and renewable powere plants. In the last years the enpros developed especially in geothermal energy to well known company. enpros plans for private and public utilities, municipalities, distributors as well as investors and advises their clients within the construction, operation and maintanance of their porwer plants.

NW Assekuranzmakler ProRisk GmbH & Co. KG

Nordwest Assekuranz

Due to the technical and geologic risks, especially related to the success of wells, geothermal projects need a high level safeguard in all phases of a project. As partner of the geothermal industry for many years the NW Assekuranz promoted essential developments and enhancements of insurance concepts, both, on national and international scale.

Media and Cooperation Partners


ThinkGeoEnergy, is a geothermal focused advisory firm working for corporate clients on strategic, marketing and corporate finance related activities.
The firm operates the leading geothermal news website and network, covering the complete value chain of the geothermal power sector and industrial scale direct use sector globally.

Lehrstuhl für Hydrogeologie

Mit dem Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurgeologie und dem Lehrstuhl für Hydrogeologie hat die Technische Unversität München Forschungskapazitäten etabliert, die für die weitere Entwicklung der Geothermie im Molassebecken eine wichtige Rolle spielen.


The bbr is a technical-scientific professional magazine about all questions related to the water exploitation and treatment as well as the fluid independant cut-and-cover line construction. The magazine focusses well construction, geothermal energy, drilling technology, pipeline construction, canalization and cable underground construction.

World of Mining

World of Mining – Surface & Underground is a learned journal by the GDMB publisher. The coverage of the World of Mining comprises a wide variety of mining and raw material production. This includes the geology of deposits, the planing of mining facilities, the exploitation, production, finishing and utilization as well as recultivation and environmental remediation.

stadt + werk

The journal stadt + werk covers the information and communication demand of the high-class target group of Lord Mayors, Mayors, members of town and dicstrict councils as well as administration employees related to the energy management in about 5,000 German towns. Moreoever the trade magazine addresses executive and subvisory board members, executive directors and technical decisionmakers in public and private utility companies.

gwf-Wasser | Abwasser

gwf-Wasser | Abwasser is the leading technical-scientific learned journal of the economy of water quality and quantity, hydrogeological basics about water resource management, the water exploitation, storage and distribution as well as the waste water collection and discharge.

Bayerische Staatszeitung

The Bayerische Staatszeitung is the independent weekly journal out of Bavaria for Bavaria:Each Friday the delivered printed issue offers extensive background information about topics from politics, municipaltities, economy construction and culture in Bavaria - daily updated also online.

BI Umweltbau

Die B_I umweltbau ist die führende Fachzeitschrift für alle Themen des Leitungsbaus, speziell des grabenlosen Bauens. Schwerpunkte sind der Bau, die Instandhaltung und die Sanierung von Rohr- und Kanalleitungen sowie Geothermie.

AMS Online

Advanced Mining Solutions - The professional magazine for mining, trwatment and the engineering industry focussing innovations and coverages, qualification and technology transfer.

Geothermie-Nachrichten is a website about shallow and deep geothermal energy, including power plants, geothermal wells and heat pumps.

Information website Tiefe Geothermie

The Informationsportal Tiefe Geothermie is the content strongest and most actual news plattform about deep geothermal energy in the German speaking area. The website offers in addition to the news a monthly newsletter and an extensive mercantile directory related to the news and German geothermal projects.


Der Bundesverband Erdgas, Erdöl und Geoenergie e.V. (BVEG) unterstützt die Tiefe Geothermie mit Untertage-Kompetenz, die auf jahrzehntelangen Erfahrungen, Technikkompetenz und dem täglichen Umgang mit hohen Umweltstandards in der Erdgas- und Erdölproduktion sowie der Untertage-Speicherung basiert.

Erdöl Erdgas Kohle

ERDÖL ERDGAS KOHLE is a technical and scientific professional journal about natural gas, oil and petrochemistry with an extensive news section, that has been published for 133 years. The specific topics deal with geotechnics, exploration, drilling and production technology, reservoir technology, processing, transportation and storage of gas, petrochemical engineering, energy production from geothermal energy and biomass.

enerope - das europäische energieportal


The basic thought behind enerope is: EUROPE FIRST! enerope promotes business within the European energy industry. enerope is not affiliated with any corporation or firm, therefore enerope is non-baised.



The service company netCADService offers the software flexRM an allround solution for the data management in different areas: flexRMenergy helps you to manage your geothermal project effectively - flexRMservice allows to organize maintenance operations in the building technology and system engineering efficierntly.

Hartmann Valves

Hartmann Valves GmbH is a worldwide recognized system supplier of ball valves and well completion. Specialised on the development, construction and fabrication of flanges and conveying systems for geothermal energy production Hartmann Valves is involved in several national and international projects.

DMT GmbH & Co. KG

The DMT GmbH & Co. KG, a German engineering and consulting company is specialised on seismic investigations in the framework of geothermal projects.


Exergy , founded in the year 2000 is one of the leading designers, engineers and producers of ORC systems One of the reasons is the development of the radial outflow turbine in 2009, improving efficiency and flexibility of ORC systems.

Rödl & Partner

Rödl & Partner is an international company for audit, legal, tax and business consultancy with more than 3,500 partners and collaborators in 91 own places in 40 countries. As one of the first consultancies in Germany, Rödl & Partner began already several years ago, to take care on questions of development, implementation and financing of deep geothermal projects.

Turboden S.p.A.

Turboden is an Italian firm and a global leader in the design, manufacture, and maintenance of Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) systems, highly suitable for distributed generation. ORC systems can generate electric and thermal power exploiting multiple sources, such as renewables (biomass, geothermal energy, solar energy), traditional fuels, and waste heat from industrial processes, waste incinerators, engines or gas turbines.



MICON-Drilling is a worldwide operating company, specialised on the distribution and  renting drilling technological equipment. MICON-Drilling GmbH possesses of decades of experiences within this field and is characterized by high quality approach.  The portfolio comprises among others MWD, drilling motors, stabilizors, core pipes, raise bore equipment, core pipe bits and boring tools. MICON-Drilling offers different services like directional and veritcal drilling.

NW Assekuranzmakler ProRisk GmbH & Co. KG

Nordwest Assekuranz

Due to the technical and geologic risks, especially related to the success of wells, geothermal projects need a high level safeguard in all phases of a project. As partner of the geothermal industry for many years the NW Assekuranz promoted essential developments and enhancements of insurance concepts, both, on national and international scale.

enpros consulting

enpros is a manufacturer and distributor independant planning and consulting company with more than ten years of experiences in the new development and reconstruction of conventional and renewable powere plants. In the last years the enpros developed especially in geothermal energy to well known company. enpros plans for private and public utilities, municipalities, distributors as well as investors and advises their clients within the construction, operation and maintanance of their porwer plants.

Daldrup & Söhne

As a leading drilling specialist and market leader in the field of deep geothermal drilling, Daldrup & Söhne AG has the highest drilling expertise. With our equipment park, we can successfully sink even complicated boreholes using innovative technology. Our motto is: "alternatief - regeneratief - innovatief".

Bayerische Staatszeitung

The Bayerische Staatszeitung is the independent weekly journal out of Bavaria for Bavaria:Each Friday the delivered printed issue offers extensive background information about topics from politics, municipaltities, economy construction and culture in Bavaria - daily updated also online.

Robke Erdöl- und Erdgastechnik GmbH

Robke Erdöl- und Erdgastechnik bietet einen Rundumservice für die Erdöl- und Erdgas- sowie die Geothermalindustrie. Dieser reicht von Wartung, Instandhaltung, Reparatur und Neuinstallation von technischen Anlagen über Verkauf und Vermietung von Neu- und Ersatzteilen. Neben einem vor Ort oder Werkstatt-Reparaturservice bietet Robke ein Vollprofil an technischer Ausstattung wie Untertage-Spezialequipment, Absperrtechnik, Bohrlochköpfe, Druckbehälter oder Pumpen an.



Presentations published

The presentations held at the 5th Praxisforum Geothermie.Bayern are published now. Participants which already paid the participation fee received the access code by email last week....

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Delegates from more than 100 companies and organisations registered

The companies joining this year's Praxisforum Geothermie.Bayern sofar highlight the significance of the event for the geothermal industry. The over 170 particpants registered until now come from...

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Unterschleißheim will be the second field trip destination

The second field trip is guided to geothermal heating plants. It offers to visit the wells and the heating exchange units of the district heating plants in Munich-Freiham and Unterschleißheim. The...

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Turboden guiding through the geothermal Power Plant in Sauerlach
Project presentation at Praxisforum 2014
Podium at the Praxisforum 2015

Congress Venue

Haus der Bayerischen Wirtschaft
Max-Joseph-Straße 5
80333 München
team [at]
+49 (0)89 551780

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Tizianstr. 96
D-80638 München